Soundly defeated on November 2 a congress with 13% approval rating is forcing it's Liberal agenda on the American Public and the most respected of American institutions, the U.S. military.
"Don't ask, don't tell" is to be repealed. Open homosexuals are to be welcomed with open arms in all branches of the armed services.
As a Viet Nam Veteran there may have been homosexuals in the military but you did not see them they were quiet and I liked it that away. This is a political payoff, at the expense of our military, to a militant minority inside the Democratic Party that is demanding this as the price of that special interest's financial and political support.
One Marine commandant after another asked Congress to consider the issue from a single standpoint:
Will the admission of gay men into barracks at Pendleton and Parris Island enhance the fighting effectiveness of the Corps?
The Military have been sacrificed by the Democratic Party and Barack Hussein Obama to the homosexual lobby, with the collusion of no fewer than eight Republican senators.
This is a victory in the culture war for the new morality of the social revolution of the 1960s and a defeat for traditional Judeo-Christian values.
What I can't understand is how the American people can feel 60%-70% to other way on many issues and we consistently have judges and politicians thinking they know better than we do and so we have few deciding for the all diametrically opposed to the will of the people.
True American traditionalist beliefs lie the primary sources of moral authority: the Old and New Testaments, Christian doctrine, natural law.
There have been many defeats for same-sex marriage in state referendums.
In recent times many in America or the West argued that it is natural and normal. It is being taught in our schools that it is normal and for 95% of America it is not!
Hell! Forget America in the World!
And Now we are going to sacrifice the Military, probably the absolute best example of the best and brightest America has to offer. What a disgrace to dis-honor such an institution!
I'm getting sick and tired of the pantie waist-ed liberals pushing their agenda and the pantie waist-ed politician tagging along!
Where is the America I grew up in?
Michael Mack
An American
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