A tale of 2 Presidents – President Obama of the United States and President Sebastion Pinera of Chile’
Chile’ Mine Disaster
A chronology of the disaster and rescue operation to date:
• August 5: A mine shaft caves-in at a depth of 300 meters (984 feet) in the San Jose mine, 500 miles (800 kilometers) north of Santiago.
• August 6: Chilean President Sebastian Pinera says his government will do “everything humanly possible” to rescue 33 missing miners.
• August 7: New cave-ins complicate attempts for a direct rescue through a ventilation duct.
• August 12: Mining Minister Laurence Golborne says the chances of finding the miners alive are slim.
• August 22: A drill probe reaches the miners and they attach a note to it saying: “All 33 of us are well inside the shelter.” The first video footage shows the miners waving their arms and apparently in good condition.
• August 23: The trapped miners beg to be rescued soon and receive first supplies via a pipeline.
• August 25: Chilean officials tell the miners it could be months before they are rescued. They exchange their first letters with their families.
• August 26: A Chilean judge orders 1.8 million dollars to be frozen from the accounts of the mine in order to pay future compensation claims.
• August 29: The miners move camp to a drier, cooler site deeper inside the mine. They also speak for the first time with their loved ones by radio-telephone.
• August 30: Rescuers start drilling a first 30-centimeter (12-inch) pilot hole, aiming for the shelter.
• September 4: The miners hold a first videoconference with their families.
• September 18: A second drill reaches the level of the miners, but its 630-meter (2,070-foot) deep hole must now be widened.
• September 19: A third, more powerful drill starts work on another shaft.
• September 30: Families of 29 of the 33 workers file suit against their employer, seeking 12 million dollars in damages.
• October 9: The main rescue shaft breaks through to where the miners are trapped.
• October: Some 69 days after their ordeal began, the first miner, Florencio Avalos, is pulled to the surface in a specially designed steel cage winched up through the rescue shaft.
October 13th Last miner rescued embraces president they have a conversation about the incident. The president leads the entire country and the entire group of Hundreds of people at the rescue site in singing the Chile’national anthem and saluting the Flag.
BP Oil Disaster
A chronology of the disaster and cleanup operation to date:
April 18th Obama plays golf.
April 20: Deepwater Horizon Explosion. 52 miles off the coast of Louisiana 11 crew members are killed.
April 20th to June 25th Obama plays golf 7 times.
April 22: Deep Water Horizon sinks 36 hours after the Well explodes, the pipe connecting the well breaks.
April24: Oil Leak discovered 5,000 feet below surface..
April 25: Romote control robots try to close the well.
April 26: Senators call for Investigation on offshore drilling and reevaluation of Coast guard resources to deal with emergencies.
Leak estimated at 42,000 gallons per day. Oil appears on surface in 600 sq. mile oil slick.
April 29: Oil approaches Louisiana coast Bobby Jindal declares state of emergency.
Interior Department say oil leak could last 3 months, Coast Guard Rear Admiral says we are prepared for the worst. BP is a very responsible spiller.
Robert Gibbs assures American People the President is deeply involved in the Oil Spill.
April 30 White House restates position about Morotorium and no new drilling will be authorized.
May2 White House “ We are stepping on the neck of BP”
Obama makes visit to Gulf coast “your governmet will do whatever it takes to to stop the crisis, plus BP will be payihn the bill.
May 3rd BP CEO Tony Hayward says BP will pay for clean up.
Gulf Fishing Shut down
May 4th BP sprays dispersants in Gulf
Oil hits barrier islands in Louisiana
May 5th Small leak capped
May 7th Containment dome lowered
May 8th Containment dome failed
May 11th BP blames Transocean for leak.
Secretary of Interior calls for MMS Reform
May 14th BP lowballs leak flow to 210,000 gallons per day.
May 18th No fishing zone expanded
May 20th Spill Cam goes live.
May 21 – Obama appoints Spill Commission
May 26th Top Kill begins – effort to plug leak
May 27 President Obama announces a 6 month extension of the moratorium on Oil drilling in Gulf of Mexico. Reiterates Oil spill is my “ highest priority”
also the MMS Head Resigns.
June 1 Department of Justice launches Criminal Probe
June 11 Obama attends Washington National’s baseball game.
June 12th Obama plays golf
July 15th Oil leak capped after 85 days and 189 million gallons leaked
Attached is an article from Martin Sieff, I could not say it any better……
What a man is this President Sebastian Pinera of Chile! He believes in God and is not afraid to say so. He doesn't care about being ridiculed by the American Civil Liberties Union or its Chilean equivalent: He orders church bells to be rung to celebrate the amazing, truly miraculous rescue of 33 miners trapped underground for more than two months in his country's San Jose mine.
Pinera doesn't give endlessly long speeches that are packed with so many weightless, meaningless clichés that they rise out of sight and out of memory as soon as the worthless, empty words are uttered. When Sebastian Pinera simply says, “We are not the same Chile we were 69 days ago,” he brings tears to the eyes of millions of people far beyond the borders of his own admirable country.
In other words, Sebastian Pinera is not Barack Obama. Pinera is a real leader for the 21st century. He is a real man.
President Pinera did not sit back passively when the miners were trapped. He did not show his so-called, metrosexual, 21st century cool head and so-called “emotional balance” by showing no passion. He felt it and he showed it.
Pinera put his presidency on the line by committing himself publicly to make sure those miners were rescued come what may. How Rahm Emanuel must have laughed.
But did we get any leadership like that when BP (Yes – that’s BRITISH Petroleum, or maybe we should start calling them RUSSIAN Petroleum (RP) since they're investing so heavily in Siberia now) was choking the Gulf of Mexico with an unstoppable deep sea oil leak? The president of the United States you’ll recall, did nothing, absolutely nothing, for months except pout his mouth and grit his teeth – his usual substitute for any effective action on anything.
Obama didn't call in the best experts personally from around the world. He didn't put the vast resources of the United States government or assemble the unmatchable expertise of the U.S. oil industry, the best in the world, on the job. He just sat back passively and let RP -- sorry, BP – make things worse.
Barack Obama and his shameless acolytes like economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, The Washington Post's Richard Cohen and Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, have redefined democratic leadership
as pious, whining, passive, dignified ineptitude. The only time Obama expresses any passion at all is when he’s whimpering about how all those big bad conservative talk show commentators are being so horrible to him.
The Chilean people in their democratically-expressed wisdom picked a brave and magnificent leader as their president. We got an empty suit who makes Jimmy Carter look like Rambo. Can we swap?
Martin Sieff is former Managing Editor, International Affairs, for United Press International. He is the author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East.”
Michael Mack
An American
What we have here is a failure to communicate!!!!The lack of leadership is hurting this once powerful and proud country. President Obama and his hand picked administration sit on their hand's waiting for someone to give them direction. Turn the camera's off get down in the trent's and get busy, quit reminding the people your President, SHOW the people your President of this GREAT NATION!!!!That is what the Chile President did!!!