Monday, December 7, 2009

Trials for Terrorist in NYC will Hurt America and Obama Knows it!

Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Muhammad in a downtown Manhattan civilian trial is proof that Obama does not respect the US families who lost their lives in the most horrific terrorist attract in history. I believe it also proves Obama is a Muslim sympathizer. KSM and the other killers will have free reign during the trial to spew their Muslim extremest hatred of America to the world. This will do nothing but continue to disarm America in the eyes of all of our enemies and highlight Obama’s continuous effort make us venerable to another attack. This is just a continuation of the insults Obama has given in all of his overseas journeys so far as he apologizes for America?

Obama has given aid and words of comfort to Islamic terrorist organizations.

Now you hear Obama hiding behind Holders decisions, saying he was not consulted, but once they are found guilty people will agree with Holder’s decision. So Mr President who is in charge, certainly not you!

According to Tim Brown, an organizer of the 9/11 we will never forget coalition, the terrorist should be tried in a military court.

“We believe that these terrorists are war criminals who don’t deserve the rights that the U.S. Constitution grants them in a civilian court,” Brown said. “We’re going to give them a stage and a megaphone — all the publicity that they desire.”

Brown said even if Mohammed and the terrorist suspects were given the death penalty, the criminal trial would have already allowed them to voice their hatred, inspire more terrorists and die as martyrs.

President Barack Obama’s administration is about to put America and the CIA on trial under the pretense of trying terrorist for their part in the Sept. 11 attacks, again proving liberals can’t be trusted with our national security. The CIA will be on trial, the very ones who have risk their lives to protect us will no longer put their lives at risk.

The democratic administration is apparently doing everything possible to weaken the CIA. Leon Panetta wake up and stand up for your people!

The enemies of America will have direct access to everything during the entire discovery and defense process.

In federal court, Mohammed (or KSM, as he’s known to his enemies) is entitled to the full range of protections given to anybody in a U.S. courtroom. I don’t think Mohammed was born here and he is definitely not a citizen of this country!

Did he get his Miranda warning about the right to an attorney or against self-incrimination? Did the intelligence agents who kicked in the door of his house in Pakistan have a proper warrant? Was it based on an informant’s tip? If so, we’ll need the guy’s name and address please, to be turned over to KSM’s lawyers, who solemnly swear it will be used only for purely legal purposes, says Glenn Garvin of the Miami Herald.

In the U.S. legal system, punishing the guilty always takes a back seat to protecting the rights of the accused. Probably 90 percent of what goes on in criminal trials today has to do not with establishing factual guilt or innocence, but with admissibility of evidence — that is, suppressing defendants’ smoking guns in order to penalize the system, or its soldiers.

Unless Holder and Obama have a crystal ball, they cannot predict how the judge will rule on evidentiary or constitutional issues. In fact, a former CIA official was sure that the defense attorneys will try to change the focus of the trial from KSM’s atrocities to his confession coerced by the harsh interrogation techniques. He and others interviewed used the phrase “the fruit of the poisonous tree,” referring to the doctrine whereby some evidence may be declared inadmissible. He further declared that “I am worried about a civilian judge because if that confession is thrown out the rest of the evidence will be as well. Will the judge allow this nonsense into the courtroom?” says Elise Cooper.

Almost all Americans — 78 percent — view the Sept. 11 attacks as an “act of terrorism” rather than a “violent crime” (6 percent)

The latest Fox News national poll finds 52 percent of Americans think the appropriate place to try the five detainees is in a military tribunal, while 40 percent think they should be tried in the U.S. system.

Each president recites the following oath, in accordance with Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The constitution is being violated by applying US Law to Enemies captured on the battle field.

This administration is criminalizing the war. They are making America unsafe.

American hero’s are the policeman, fireman, and civil servants that died on 9/11. Nearly 3000 civilians, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters that got up like any other day went to work and never saw their families again. I remember the day like it was yesterday,clear, sunshine little brisk coolness in the day and at 8:46 AM the first Flight hit the World Trade Center. A Day of Terror we will never forget. That is the Day the War on Terror began. It cannot be stopped by being afraid to say Terror or Terrorist or Islamic Jihad, or Muslim Terrorist You cannot eliminate that from Americas vocabulary.

I challenge Eric Holder and President Obama have a meeting with the families of all the victims of 9/11 at the site of the World Trade Center collapse and explain to the families face to face why this trial in NYC is a good idea! NO TELEPROMPTERS ALLOWED. Speak from your Heart as an American.

This is bad for New York City and bad for America.

Michael Mack, An American

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